Accidents, games and jokes : engaging [critically] with emerging and older technologies for entangled storytelling/playing
7th June Arthur Quiller Couch, St John's College
Dylan Yamada-Rice and Eleanor Dare are the co-founders of X||dinary Stories, a creative studio focused on telling stories with ancient and emerging technologies. Together and separately they have been evolving situated and embodied responses to emerging and older technologies for the last several years, in their capacity as artist researchers, academics and developers of performances, games and workshops. For this session they will discuss the importance of Design Justice, speculative and worldbuilding approaches which allow for a greater scope of practices then technologically determined constructs of 'innovation' and 'disruption' appear to allow. They will talk about accidents, Generative AI, games and jokes and the importance of drawing, comics, walking and creating/repurposing toys in the process of developing their work. The session will involve a hands-on engagement with contingent storytelling and a critical grasp of the socio technical structures in which our work emerges, particularly the tensions implicit in a 'technology first' approach, which so often occludes hidden curricula.
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Dr Eleanor Dare & Dr Dylan Yamada-Rice
Dr Eleanor Dare is a CDH Methods Fellow and Associate Researcher for the Forensic AI project. The aim of the project is to identify, analyse, and mitigate cultural biases within AI-powered computer vision systems by employing methodologies from the digital humanities, digital art history, and digital visual studies. Eleanor has been a critical
creative coder for over 17 years, with an MSc (Distinction) and PhD in Arts and Computational Technology.
Eleanor was formerly the interim convenor for MPhil Arts, Creativity and Education at the University of Cambridge’s Faculty of Education as well as Senior Teaching Associate for Educational Technologies, Arts and Creativity.
Eleanor is also the co-founder – with Dr Dylan Yamada-Rice – of the Storytelling studio and consultancy, X||rdinary Stories, working with industry and academia to research and develop experiential projects involving emerging technologies. Eleanor is an active developer of Games, AI and VR content. Eleanor was formerly Reader in Digital Media and Head of Programme for MA Digital Direction at the RCA. Eleanor has extensive experience with by practice investigation of AI, interaction design and digital education. Eleanor has taken part in numerous exhibitions and has published dozens of papers addressing computation, AI, Education, Games and digital interaction. These include chapters in MIT’s Leonardo, ACM Interactions, Routledge, Sage and Intellect Books.
Dr Dylan Yamada-Rice is Associate Professor in Immersive Storytelling at the University of Plymouth, and Co-Founder with Dr Eleanor Dare of X||dinary Stories, a studio and consultancy that works with industry and academia to research and develop experiential projects involving emerging technologies.
Dylan is a researcher and artist specialising in play and storytelling for children. Having a doctorate in Education and MA degrees in Research Methods, Early Childhood Education and Japanese Semiotics, her work crosses academia and kids media industry.
She is currently PI on an ESRC-funded project looking at children's notions of digital good and bad through hybrid arts, as well as a researcher, designer and artist with X||dinary Stories on a UKRI joint research councils programme called ‘Digital Voices of the Future’.